Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Teaching/working with children; The simple things that make you smile.

The simple things that make you smile. 

Just a short blog today. I met my new Y1 class for September yesterday morning. It was a lovely morning; we did lots of 'getting to know you' activities. 

One such activity was to draw a self portrait with pictures around it of all their favourite things. 

One lovely little boy eagerly puts his hand up to proudly show me the picture he has drawn of himself. "That is fantastic!" I say truthfully. "Now you can draw your very favourite things around your portrait to show me what you like."

His response, made with an innocent, honest, excited grin spread across his face; "OOOH I CAN DRAW MY WELLIES! I LOVE MY WELLIES!"

Love the little things. It's the simple things that make you smile.
I loved his response... and he loves his wellies :)